Thursday, October 24, 2019

Green Gourd vegetable

                                          Bottle Gourd 

                                                                  Lagenaria siceraria

घिया, लौकी, (दूधी,भोपड़ा ) 
  • Green Gourd
  • Groundnut oil
  • Rai
  • Jeera
  • Kadi patta
  • Turmeric
  • Red chilly
  • Salt
  • Green coriander
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Tomatoes
  • Dry coconut

  • Wash the vegetable thoroughly 
  • Cut into small pieces
  • Grind the masala Dry coriander,salt garlic and ginger,green chilly.
  • Heat the oil
  • Add rai,jeera and kadi patta.
  • Add vegetable in it
  • Add tomatoes
  • Lastly add grinded masala 
  • Dry masala red chilly,coriander powder
Nutritional value
  • Good for Acidity.
  • It helps reduce the inflammations in the liver and kidneys
  • Helps in easing the problem related to constipation. 
  • The water and fiber in the bottle gourd make the digestive system free and active. 
  • Bottle gourd helps to treat urinary tract infection.
  • Cools your body. ...
  • Helps in weight loss. ...
  • Treats urinary tract infections. ...
  • Cures tummy troubles. ...
  • Keep your heart healthy. ...
  • Relieves stress. ...
  • Climber has been known for its curative properties, and has been utilized for treatment of various ailments, including jaundice, diabetes, ulcer, piles, colitis, insanity, hypertension, congestive cardiac failure (CCF), and skin diseases.
Properties & Action 

  • Rasa : Madhura (sweet)
  • Guna : Snigdha (viscous)
  • Virya : sita (cool)
  • Vipaka : Madhura (pleasant)
  • Karma : Pittahara, Bhedaka, Hrdya, Vrsya

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