Monday, September 2, 2019

Prawn fry rice

                           Prawn fry rice


* Frozen medium sized prawns 2 packets
* Basmati Rice 3 big Katori + water to boil, (boil in open vessel With oil and salt)
* Schezwan fried rice masala 1 packet
* Vegetables: Cabbage, carrot, beans, Capcicum- red, green and yellow
* Spring onions 250 grams
* Green chillies, Garlic, Ginger all meshed.
* Salt
* Black pepper freshly grind
* Mustard oil

* Finely chop all the vegetables
* Chop carrot in small pieces
* Finely chop beans
* Make a fine paste of green chilies, garlic
* Paste of ginger separately 
* Boil rice along with salt and oil in open vessel (in the morning or evening few hours before)
* Heat mustard oil in pan
* Defrost the prawns
* Deep fry it in slow flame oil.
* Reuse the same oil for cooking.
* Warm the oil add the paste of green chilly and garlic
* Add ginger later as it will stick to pan
* Then add spring onions
* Add chopped beans and carrots cook for a while
* Add all vegetables
* After they are cooked add salt and pepper
* Add Schezwan fried rice masala 1 packet in the boiled rice which is cool
* Finally add boiled rice.
* Mix it well.
* Add fried prawns at last.
* Simmer it for 10 minutes.
* Serve hot.


* Eat it with mint coriander and green chili Chutney.
* And green salad.


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