Sunday, September 1, 2019

Khaman Dhokala

                                  Khaman Dhokala   




· 2 MTR Khaman Dhokala packet 200 grams for 4 people

· Mustard oil

· Asafoetida

· Sugar

· Sarso
· Til
· Green coriander
· Kadhi Patta
· Green chilli
· Dry coconut

For Khaman
· Mix 1 measure of M.T.R Khaman Dhokla mix with 4 tbsp cooking oil and ½ measure water to form a smooth batter.
· Grease 2 baking trays/plates with little oil and pour equal quantities of batter into each tray. So as to obtain required thickness of proper puffing of the Dhoklas.
· Steam the batter for 1\2 hour in low flame.
· Sprinkle sugar syrup on the streamed batter.

For Sugar syrup
· Take 4 tbsp water and 1 tbsp sugar, mix well and boil it for one minute. Cool the Dhokala slightly and evenly spread the seasoning on top.

For Tempering
· Heat 1 tbsp edible oil. Add ½ tsp of mustard Til and a pinch of asafoetida (Hing) Kadhi Patta and green Chilli finely chopped

For Garnishing  
· Grated coconut and finely cut coriander leaves. Cut into cubes and serve.

· Serve with pudina / coriander  chutney or sauce.

Its a low fat receipy also highly nutritious and easier to digest. Fermentation also increases the bio-availability of minerals present in food, helping the body assimilate more nutrition. The fermented process increases the bio-availability of nutrients like folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, biotin and Vitamin K as well as some antibiotic & anti carcinogenic substances.The micro-organisms break down complex protein, carbohydrates and fats into more easily assimilated molecules. Healthy gut flora  plays a key role in absorption, our body is able to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients, preventing nutrient deficiencies that are so common today.
 Apart from aiding digestion, the lactic acid bacteria present in fermented foods also alter the pH balance in the intestines which is associated with a long life and good health. Also, the same lactic acid bacteria create omega 3 fatty acids, essential for the immune system. Did you know that 80% of our immune system resides in the walls of the intestines?
 Improved digestion which leads to:
  • Digestive comfort
  • Regular bowel movement
  • Better sleeping
  • Healthy and radiant skin
  • Increased energy levels
  • Loss of excess weight
  • Possible decrease of sugar cravings
  • Normalization of blood pressure levels
  • Acid reflux, heart burn control
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Candida over-growth control

Nutritional information
Energy or calorie                                       356
Protein (g)                                                 15
Carbohydrate (g)                                       65
Sugar (g)                                                  14
Fat (g)                                                       4
Sodium (mg)                                            130

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