Monday, May 29, 2023

Kadhai Paneer

                           Kadhai Paneer

  • Paneer 200 gms
  • Capcicum / Shimla Mirch 1 
  • Kasuri Methi 2 Tbsp
  • Tomato puree 
  • Tomato 
  • Sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt 1/2 tsf
  • Red chilli 1/2 tsf
  • Dhania powder 1/2  tsf
  • Sabut Dhania 1/2 tsf
  • Garam Masala 1/2 tsf
  • Ginger 
  • Garlic 
  • Oil 1 tbsp
  • Mirchi Khadi 3 in number

  • Mirchi, (cut into long slice)
  • Tomato : 2 Tomatoes cut into small pieces.
  • Tomato puree. : 4 Tbsp. By boiling tomato and green chili.
  • Make 1 tsf garlic paste 
  • Ginger 1 inch (cut into long slice)
  • Paneer 200 gms cut into cubes.
  • Heat the oil
  • Add 
  • Sabut Lal Mirch
  • Sabut Dhania
  • Garlic Paste
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Sliced Ginger
  • Sliced Shimla Mirch
  • Kasuri Methi 2 Tbsp
  • Tomato Puree 4 Tbsp
  • Red chili Powder 1/2 tsf
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar 1 1/2 tsf
  • Dhania Powder 1/2 tsf
  • Garam Masala 1/2 tsf
  • Mix all ingredients
  • Add Paneer.
For Garnishing
  • Cut green coriander dhania for sprinkle

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